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Kermit Oliver: Featured Art Selections

1. Boy Girl Raven Sunflower

2. Crucifixion

3. Burning Plains

4. Sacrifice of Isaac

5. Pear With Fly

6. KJs Deamon

7. Pasque Flower

8. KJ's Calf

9. Headboard Khristopher

10. Bible Box

11. Self portrait

12. Khristopher Red Hat

13. Sheep Sculpture

14. Primavera

15. Palmetto

16. Atonement Ram

17. Sandhill Crane

18. Io McFadden

19. Dido Aeneas

20. Tobias

21. Oedipus

22. Birds Raining

23. Tabula Rasa

24. Flayed Orange

25. Young Pasiphae

26. Lepidoptera

27. Guinea With Dragonfly

28. Childrens Games

29. Pomegranates

30. Monkey Presenting Book of Hours

31. Portrait Velma

32. A Ruffed Monkey

33. Iconclast

34. Solomon

35. Eden

36. Attis

37. Circe

38. Conversion Apothesis

39. Cowhand in Field

40. Faune et Flore du Texas

41. Girl in Field

42. Madison Avenue

43. Hermès Scarf by Kermit Oliver

44. Madonna of the Bullfinch

45. Pawnee Indian

46. Orpheus

47. Primate Above a Garden Gathering

48. Hermès Scarf by Kermit Oliver

49. Concours

50. The Baptist
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